The crust of Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Zhongguai convex area is the main reservoir space and seepage passage of volcanic reservoirs in this area. There are primary, secondary and artificial induced seams in volcanic reservoirs in this area. Among them, high-angle shear seams, which are either unfilled or semi-filled, are the most developed ones and are the main types of fractures in the study area. The fracture orientation of this area is mainly near NE and near EW, which is basically the same with the present principal stress direction or has a sharp included angle, so it is effective. Hercynian movement is the main period of crack formation. Factors affecting the development of fractures include structural parts, lithology and layer thickness. The lithology types are different and the degree of fracture development is also different. The degree of fracture development is closely related to the tectonic position. The fracture development zones are mainly distributed along the fault zone. Due to the poor universality of volcanic rocks, the influence of layer thickness on fracture development is insignificant . The study suggests that the main controlling factors for the development of fractures in the study area are mainly lithology and tectonic location.