男性尿道由尿生殖膈分为前后两部分。后尿道(前列腺部及膜部尿道)位于盆腔内;前尿道(海绵体部尿道)位于会阴部。因其解剖位置、致伤原因及损伤机理的不同,前后尿道损伤的临床表现和治疗方法也不尽相同。球部尿道损伤一般伤情较轻,处理较易,临床上争论不大;后尿道损伤则因伤情较重,处理较复杂,后遗症较多,死亡率也较高,对其治疗仍有争议。本文仅就后尿道损伤及外伤性后尿道狭窄的有关问题,进行综述。一、后尿道损伤的严重性后尿道损伤的伤情,较之会阴部骑跨伤所致的球部尿道损伤要严重得多,主要表现: 1.合并伤多致伤原因决定了这类损伤的多部位性和多脏器性。损伤多因交通事故所致,其他
Male urethra by the urogenital diaphragm is divided into two parts before and after. The posterior urethra (prostate and membranous urethra) is located in the pelvic cavity; the anterior urethra (cavernous urethra) is located in the perineum. Because of its anatomical location, the cause of injury and the different mechanisms of injury, the clinical manifestations and treatment of urethral injury before and after are not the same. Department of urethral injury generally less injury, easier to deal with, the clinical debate is not; posterior urethral injury due to serious injury, more complicated, more sequelae, the mortality rate is higher, the treatment is still controversial . This article only on the urethral injury and traumatic urethral stricture related issues are reviewed. First, the severity of posterior urethral injury urethral injury, compared with the perineal bruises caused by ball urethral injury is much more serious, the main manifestations: 1. Injury caused by multiple wounds determine the type of injury Multi-site and multiple organ. Damage caused by traffic accidents, others