The authors sent a questionnaire about perilymph treatment to the 324 members of the American Academy of Orthopedics and the American Academy of Neurological Sciences. The following information was obtained from the 167 questionnaires sent back. ① The average number of ear surgery per patient per year 197 times (including tympanotomy), the average pericardial lymphatic fistula exploration 4.6 times; ② The main indications for surgery were barotrauma (61%), trauma (52%), dizziness 19%), a sudden hearing loss (17%), 22% of respondents decided on the basis of comprehensive clinical manifestations and laboratory tests to determine the operation or not; ③ The decision on the basis for determining the choice of surgery based on the results are as follows: Clinical judgments (59% ), Electronystagogallurgical fistula test (57%), endotracheal tube fistula test (50%), postural fistula test (9%). Other (including glycerol test, electrocochleogram, etc.) (12%); ④ For patients with sudden deafness without a history of traumatic injury, surgery was performed on unexplained children with progressive deafness and abnormalities of the temporal bone. 84%