Recently, there have been many kindergartens in China that have given drug-feeding incidents to their children, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, and some have even caused discomfort to children. Here, we may wish to see how foreign children kindergarten medication, where you can learn from. In Australia, no matter where you go to kindergarten, every family should send a form to the enrollment form when they send their children to school. The name of the child, the name of the parent and the name of the parent should be filled in and signed, and the medicine the child may use Name, the last use of the drug, the next time the drug use, dosage, medication, medication and other details. If your child must be in kindergarten medicine, you should follow the procedure below. Assurance phase four guarantees: to ensure that this is the child’s parents have been written in the school admission medication (including what medication, why the drug, how to use);