A Study on Improving Senior High School students’ English Writing Ability by Process Writing Approac

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  【Abstract】National English Curriculum for General Senior High School, also called English Key Competence for Senior High School, is published by the National Department of Education in 2017.And it clearly illustrates that the writing skill is listed into five language competence and put forward some new requirements which requires students should at least reach the corresponding key competence of selective compulsory course after graduation, which makes senior high school teachers place central importance on fostering the writing skill of senior high school students. There exist a lot of problems in English writing of senior high school and main teaching writing methodology, the product-oriented approach. It takes no account of students’ motivation and process, but attaches great importance to the product. And it tends to let your mountain in labour bring forth a mouse. Given existence of the problem in English writing of senior high school as well as in view of the instruction of foreign and national theories, this dissertation studies the effect of improving senior high school students’ English writing ability by process writing ability and illustrates the theory background, essence, procedures, and features. In addition, the dissertation studies how the process writing approach has an influence on the improvement of English writing ability of senior high school students. The penman believe that process writing methodology deserves to be applied in English writing approach of senior high school.
  【Key words】Writing Ability; Process Writing Approach; Senior High School Students
  【作者簡介】张锦江(1996- ),男,陕西礼泉人,宝鸡文理学院,本科,学生,研究方向:英语教师专业发展。
  I. Introduction
  With the promotion of the Belt and Road and the process of the globalization, writing ability is regarded as an important skill and it is a comprehensive skill of learners’ abstract thinking, information processing, and language expressing(Yang and Ding, 2011: 73). In virtue of the limitation of language environment and insufficient language input, the English writing ability of senior high school is negative.
  II. Literature Review
  1.Brief introduction of English writing ability
  1.1 The definition of English writing ability
  English writing ability is a necessary ability for every senior high school students. Generally speaking, English writing ability is a kind of skill that students are able to choose, draw, process and integrate the accumulating knowledge.   1.2 The influential factors of English writing ability
  English writing ability is a skill in learning English, but it can be influenced by other language skills, which are listening skill, reading skill, viewing skill, and speaking skill. Because English learning itself is a kind of activity involved in the integrated skills, rather than using a kind of skill separately.
  2.Brief introduction of process writing approach
  2.1 The definition of process writing approach
  The process writing method is defined as an approach which emphasizes the composing processes writers makes use of in writing (such as planning, drafting, and revising) and which seeks to improve students’ writing skills through developing their use of effective composing processed.”(Ricard, C. j. , 2000: 364)
  2.2 The procedures of process writing approach
  Writing is a rather intricate cognitive process and can show English ability level of students. In fact, linguists yet have concluded the fixed procedures so far. Some linguists believe it includes three stages, they are making the plan, Drafting and the Revising(Lannon, 1981); and others believes it should be concrete. They are creating a motivation to writing, brainstorming, mapping, free-writing, outlining, drafting, editing, revising, proof-reading and conferencing.
  2.3 The features of process writing approach
  (1)Concentrate on the the process which produce the writing;
  (2)Help students writers understand their own composing process;
  (3)Help senior high school students collect language materials independently;
  (4)Encourage senior high school students edit and revise independently;
  (5)Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers through the composing process ;
  (6)Place central importance on the individual conferences between teacher and students in the course of composing process.
  2.4 The influence of process writing approach on the writing ability
  Based on the procedures and features of process writing approach, senior high school students’ ability is influenced. In the gross, the application of process writing approach can improve senior high school students’ ability to defines themes, senior high school students’ ability to organize the materials, senior high school students’ ability to write an article, and senior high school students’ ability to evaluate the writings.
  III. The application of process writing approach in improving senior high school students’ English ability   1.The application of process writing approach in improving senior English writing ability to define themes
  Defining themes by students themselves is a difficult task for them. However, the teacher can utilize the first and second procedure, namely creating motivation and brainstorming, to assist students to define themes easily. And the methodology should be applied in the English writing class all the time as well as help students improve their ability to define themes easily and swiftly.
  2.The application of process writing approach in improving senior English writing ability to organize the materials
  A wonderful composition must have a good organizations of language materials and structure. So teachers should improve senior high school students’ ability to organize the materials.
  Teachers can make use of the procedures of process writing approach in English writing to make the ability to organize the materials improved.
  3.The application of process writing approach in improving senior English writing ability to write writings
  The ability to write writings refers to a skill to make a passage into a whole writings. Some people believe that it is not a ability, but the penman argues that it is a kind of key competence. In addition, the process writing approach can accelerate the improvement of this ability.
  4.The application of process writing approach in improving senior English writing ability to evaluate the writings
  The ability to evaluate is one of the indispensable competence(Bound, 1995:36). The ability to evaluate the writings is necessary for senior high school students and its improvement is closed to the process writing method. There are three different steps concerning evaluation.
  IV. Conclusion
  In conclusion, under the background the globalization, writing is widely used and writing skills are necessary skill for more and more people. However, writing itself is a more difficult part and it is also a comprehensive skill of learners’ logic mind, information processing, and language expressing. Facing the current condition of weak ability of senior high school students, teachers should date previous teaching approach and applied the process writing approach in improving the ability to create English writings.
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【摘要】语言和思维两者互相依赖,密不可分。思维决定语言,语言是思维的工具。理查德·E·尼斯贝特撰写的《思维的版图》对有助于更进一步了解大脑和人的思维方式。在书中,作者探讨了东西方在文化和世界观的差异。通过对比东西方的社会生活和自我意识的差异,可以更进一步了解东西方思维和语言的表达差异。  【关键词】语言 思维 东西方社会生活 自我意识  一、《思维的版图》  这是一本探究东西方思维差异的经典之从风
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