中国石化北京燕山石化公司有一位“MBA”级的工会主席。51岁的他,现任北京燕山石化公司党委常委、工会主席;中华全国总工会执委、中国能源化学工会全国委员会常委,2003年由中国石化股东提名任董事会职工代表监事。 多年来,无论大事小情,他都亲自过问,认真处理。经过不懈地努力,他不仅成为了燕化职工们的亲人、朋友,而且铺架起了一座连接公司、工会、职工的桥梁--
Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company has an “MBA” class union president. 51-year-old, he is currently the Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company Party Committee, chairman of the trade union; executive member of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, China National Energy Chemical Union National Committee of the Standing Committee, 2003 by the Sinopec shareholders nominated as employee representative supervisors. Over the years, regardless of the seriousness of the situation, he personally asked and took it seriously. Through his tireless efforts, he not only became a relative and friend of Yanhua’s workers, but also laid a bridge connecting companies, trade unions and workers -