2005年3月8日,第59届联合国大会以84票赞成、34票反对、37 票弃权的表决结果,批准了联大法律委员会上月通过的《联合国关于人的克隆宣言》。宣言要求各国考虑禁止任何形式的克隆人。中国、英国、比利时、法国等赞成治疗性克隆的国家投了反对票。这些国家的代表在表决后的发言中指出,他们投反对票的原因是这项宣言有关禁止克隆人的措词太模糊,容易让人误解为既禁止生殖性克隆人,也禁止治疗性克隆研究。他们重申,这一宣言不具法律约束力,他们的国家将继续允许治疗性克隆研究。
On March 8, 2005, the 59th United Nations General Assembly voted 84 votes for, 34 votes against, and 37 votes abstained. It approved the United Nations Declaration on Human Cloning adopted by the Legal Committee of the United Nations last month. The declaration requires countries to consider prohibiting any form of cloning. Countries such as China, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and France that favor therapeutic cloning have voted against it. Representatives of these countries pointed out in their speeches after the vote that they voted against the reason that the formulation of the Declaration concerning the prohibition of cloning is too vague and easily misleading to ban both reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. . They reiterated that this declaration is not legally binding and their country will continue to allow therapeutic cloning studies.