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The lark (according to an ancient legend) was created before the earth itself, and when her father died, as there was no earth, she could find no place of burial 1 for him. Shelet him lie uninterred 2 for five days, and on the sixth day, not knowing what else to do, she buried him in her own head. Hence she obtained her crest 3 , which is popularly said to be her father’s grave-hillock 4 . 大学英语 Youth’s first duty is reverence 5 to parents. The lark (according to an ancient legend) was created before the earth itself, and when her father died, as there was no earth, she could find no place of burial 1 for him. Shelet him lie uninterred 2 for five days, and on the sixth day, not knowing what else to do, she buried him in her own head. Therefore she obtained her crest 3, which is popularly said said to be her father’s grave-hillock 4. College English Youth’s first duty is reverence 5 to parents.
中山大学翻译学院  从小我就对英语有着一种别样的情愫,也积累了不少英语学习的方法和心得。但毕竟是日耳曼语系,和中文差异甚大。所以一提到英语,肯定会有考生感觉头大,会为英语而烦扰。英语真的有那么遥不可及吗?英语真的很难提高吗?今天我就跟同学们分享一下英语学习的一些方法和体会。  由于英语是一门综合性技能,英语综合能力提高,考试时也会觉得容易很多。所以我会着重与大家分享一下英语综合素养提高的内容,和我