这儿说的“憋气”,不是暂不呼吸憋住一口气的“憋气”,而是指遇到不顺心的事,尊严受到损害、心灵受到创伤、精神遭遇刺激那种“真不痛快”的憋气。日常生活中常听人们讲:“真憋气!”小者如到店里买东西受到营业员的欺骗和顶撞,大者如办正大光明、合理合法的事,人家也卡你的脖子,不“浇油”不转,甚至“浇油”也不转。 此肘,或者发作一通出出气拉倒,或是忍气吞声暗气暗憋,或是当面不敢得罪背后发牢骚而已。我想,面对憋气的事应该做到两点:一是以正确的态度有理有据地保护自己的权益,同不正之风做斗争;二是反躬自问,你在自己岗位上做得怎样,你们单位和行业有什么不正之风,怎样克服?大家都行动起来,为在全社会树立良好的职业道德风尚尽一份责任。
The “suffocation” here refers not to breathless hold-ups but “hold-ups” that are not breath-taking, but to things that do not go smoothly, that dignity is compromised, that the mind is traumatized, and that the spirit is stimulated to feel “really unpleasant” . Frequently people listen to people in everyday life: “Really suffocated!” Small person to the store to buy things by salespeople cheating and collision, the big person, such as upright, reasonable and legitimate thing, people also card your neck, not “pouring oil ”Do not turn, or even“ pouring oil ”does not turn. This elbow, or out of an attack out of gas down, or swallow the dark secretly hold back, or face can not offend the behind grudge only. I think in the face of suffocating things should do two things: First, with a correct attitude to protect their own rights and interests, with the unhealthy tenacity; second is to ask yourself, how do you do in your own post What are your unhealthy tenure in your work units and industries and how to overcome them? We all act in a responsible manner to establish a good ethic in our society.