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写文章应该放得开、收得拢。所谓放得开,就是要思路开阔,想像丰富,选材广泛,不拘泥于眼前的、平常的生活小事,也不拘泥于事情本身就事论事;所谓收得拢,就是所用的材料看起来很散很杂,但实际上它始终有一根线贯穿着、统辖着,文章的思路是清晰的,立意是深厚的。只有这样的作文,才能给人以不同的感受。让人产生联想,才是大度、有才气的表现。可是,在中学生的作文中,有不少习作小气得很,写来写去,总是那么一点点事,写得既不广,也不新,非常拘谨、局促,像一块没有发酵好的僵心面包,读起来让人觉得索然无味。下面这篇习作就是这样—— Writing articles should be open and closed. The so-called openness is to broaden our horizons, to imagine a wide range of materials, to select a wide range of materials, not to stick to the immediate, ordinary life, and not to limit ourselves to matters. The so-called collection is that the materials used are very scattered. However, in fact, it always has a thread running through it and governs it. The idea of ​​the article is clear and the concept is profound. Only such composition can give people different feelings. Let people associate, it is a generous, talented performance. However, in the middle school students’ writings, there are quite a few students who are stingy. Writing and writing are always a little bit of a thing. They are neither extensive nor new. They are very cautious and cramped, like a piece of frozen food. The heart of bread, read it makes people feel uninteresting. Here’s what this exercise is like-
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