Based on the interpretation more than 4000 kmsparker single channel seismic profiles and the comparisonwith Borehole DZQ4 on the outer shelf of the East China Sea(ECS), the seismic sequences, sedimentary facies and pa-Ieo-sedimentary environment are studied to establish thechronology framework and discuss the Quaternary trans-gressive and regressive sequences of the ECS shelf as well astheir response to glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. The sealevel of the ECS fluctuated with global climate changes in theQuaternary. During the sea level rise, the Pacific tidal waveimpacted actively on the ECS continental shelf and the re-ciprocating tidal currents in N W-SE direction formed tidalsand ridges, which represent large transgressive depositsvisible on the seismic profiles. In response to sea level fall,the Yangtze River deltas prograded seaward and built mas-sive subaqueous deltas to form regressive sequences on theseismic profiles. Alternative transgression and regressionsequences were vertically distributed on the ECS shelf withthe frequent eustacy in the Quaternary. The gentle slope ofthe ECS shelf makes it possible for the coastline to migratehundreds of kilometers forth and back on the shelf becauseof tens of meters sea level changes, in the meanwhile, theYangtze River discharged large amounts of sediments intothe ECS resulting in large-scale subaqueous deltas and tidalsand ridges. There have developed 3 stages of tidal sandridges and 4 stages of deltas on the ECS shelf since oxygenisotope stage 8.
Based on the interpretation more than 4000 kmsparker single channel seismic profiles and the comparison with Borehole DZQ4 on the outer shelf of the East China Sea (ECS), the seismic sequences, sedimentary facies and pa-Ieo-sedimentary environments are studied to establish the chronology framework and discuss the Quaternary trans-gressive and regressive sequences of the ECSs shelf as well astheir response to glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. The sealevel of the ECS fluctuated with global climate changes in the Quaternary. During the sea level rise, the Pacific tidal waveimpacted actively on the ECS continental shelf and the re-ciprocating tidal currents in N W-SE direction formed tidals and ridges, which represent large transgressive depositsvisible on the seismic profiles. In response to sea level fall, the Yangtze River deltas prograded seaward and built mas-sive subaqueous deltas to form regressive sequences on theseismic profiles. Alternative transgression and regression sequences were ver tically distributed on the ECS shelf with the frequent eustacy in the Quaternary. The gentle slope of the ECS shelf makes it possible for the coastline to migratehundreds of kilometers forth and back on the shelf because of tens of meters sea level changes, in the meanwhile, theYangtze River large amounts of sediments intothe ECS resulting in large-scale subaqueous deltas and tidalsand ridges. There have developed 3 stages of tidal sandridges and 4 stages of deltas on the ECS shelf since oxygenisotope stage 8.