【单元目标概说】本单元课文都与建筑艺术有关。教学本单元 ,要立足课内 ,放眼课外 ,充分开发课本资源 ,引导学生多阅读、多思考、多积累、多探究 ,以丰富知识 ,开阔眼界 ,激发学习祖国文化的自豪感和责任感。这一单元文体侧重于说明文。鉴于学生过去只接触过较为简单的说明性
[Overview of unit objectives] This unit text is related to architectural art. In this teaching unit, you should focus on your lesson, look outside class, develop textbook resources, guide students to read more, think more, accumulate more, and explore more, so as to enrich knowledge, broaden their horizons, and stimulate their pride and sense of responsibility in learning the culture of the motherland. This unit style focuses on expository texts. In view of the fact that students have only come into contact with relatively simple explanatory