名画《蒙娜·丽莎》中的神秘微笑之谜已被一位科学家解开。这位科学家指出 ,与其说这一神秘微笑与画家的绘画技巧有关 ,倒不如说它与眼睛的错觉关系更大些。人们曾对这幅世界最著名的肖像的脸部进行过视觉内容分析 ,发现画中的蒙娜·丽莎脸上隐藏着微笑 ,这一微笑只有在不直接?
The mystery of the mysterious smile in the famous Mona Lisa has been unlocked by a scientist. The scientist points out that this mysterious smile is not so much a painter’s eye-illusion as the painter’s painting skills. People once conducted a visual analysis of the face of this most famous portrait of the world and found that the face of Mona Lisa in the picture was hidden with a smile. Was this smile not directly?