中考是水平考试与选拨考试相结合的仅次于高考的大规模考试 ,它涉及千家万户 ,牵动社会、学校和家长 ,特别是对’99年中考数学试卷褒贬不一 ,现在又面临2000年的中考 ,如何做好初三数学总复习工作是数学教师最关心的问题 ,因此 ,重新审视1999年中考数学试卷 ,对20?
The entrance exam is a large-scale examination after the entrance examination and the examination of electives, which is second only to the college entrance examination. It involves millions of households and affects the society, schools, and parents. In particular, the examination of mathematics in the 99-year senior high school entrance examination has been mixed, and now it faces 2000 years. In the annual examination, how to do a good job in the third year of mathematics review is the most concerned problem for mathematics teachers. Therefore, to re-examine the 1999 mathematics examination papers, the 20?