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  Spinning was created by world-class cyclist Jonathan Goldberg as a convenient and quick way to train for races. In 1989, he and John Baudhuin opened the first spinning center in Santa Monica, California and then developed a program to 1)certify other spinning instructors. Curious to know about this spinning thing? The following information will help you decide if it’s for you.
  Spinning is an 2)aerobic exercise that takes place on a specially designed 3)stationary bicycle called a spinning bike. As you 4)pedal, 5)motivating music plays, and the instructor talks you through a 6)visuali-zation of an outdoor cycling 7)workout: “You’re going up a long hill now. You can’t see the top yet…” During the class you 8)vary your pace - sometimes pedaling
  as fast as you can, other times 9)cranking up the tension and pedaling slowly from a standing position. This helps you to focus inwardly and work on your mind as well as your body.
  Spinning burns serious calories and offers an 10)awesome aerobic workout that makes your heart pump fast. It also 11)tones your 12)quadriceps (front thigh muscles) and outer thigh muscles. Because you stay in one place with the same basic movementthroughout, spinning doesn’t involve a lot of 13)coordination. And although you follow the general instructions of the spinning teacher, you are in control when it comes to your pace. You can finish a spin class, regardless of your fitness level, simply by 14)adjusting your pace or the tension 15)knob on the bike.
  Equipment Needed
  Other than the bike, here’s
  what you need for a safe,
  comfortable ride:
  ★ A 16)stiff-17)soled shoe with good 18)ventilation.
  ★ Two towels, one for wiping away sweat and one for 19)draping over the handlebars so your hands won’t slide out of position.
  ★ A full water bottle, because you’re definitely going to sweat. Most spinning bikes are equipped with a water bottle cage so you can place your water within easy reach.
  Hot Tip: Arrive five minutes early for your first class so your instructor can answer any questions and help you with bike adjustments. Make sure you let him/her know about any injuries that you have so he/she can help you 20)modify some of the moves. During class, be sure to let your instructor know if you are having trouble with the
  21)resistance knob or the general technique. If the class is too intense, just pedal more slowly or take the tension down.

  ★ 一双透气性好的硬底鞋。
  ★ 两条毛巾,一条用于擦汗,另一条覆盖在手把上,那么你的手就不会因出汗而打滑了。
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