Dynamics of a novel bistable mechanism with mechanical-magnetic coupled structure

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fulva
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Bistable mechanisms are very appealing in the design of valves,switches and actuators. By utilizing the nonlinear magnetic structure and elastic cantilevers,a novel bistable mechanism was designed. Based on the magnetic charge model and material mechanics theory,the nonlinear force during the snap-through procedure was calculated accurately,which is in accordance with that obtained by the experiments. In addition,the bistable characteristics including the threshold snapping force,the traveling range,and stable positions can be adjusted by changing the structure parameters and the relative distance among the magnets. The dynamic analysis shows that the bistable structure has a good frequency distinguishing capacity for mechanical shock pulses. Bilibable mechanisms are very appealing in the design of valves, switches and actuators. By utilizing the nonlinear magnetic structure and elastic cantilevers, a novel bistable mechanism was designed. Based on the magnetic charge model and material mechanics theory, the nonlinear force during the snap- through procedure was calculated accurately, which is in accordance with that obtained by the experiments. In addition, the bistable characteristics include the threshold snapping force, the traveling range, and stable positions can be adjusted by changing the structure parameters and the relative distance among the The dynamic analysis shows that the bistable structure has a good frequency distinguishing capacity for mechanical shock pulses.
摘要: 学校体育的伤害事故时有发生,其不仅影响正常教学的进程,还会困扰教师的心情及学生的身心发展等。本文结合体育课三个阶段:准备阶段、基本阶段和结束阶段,分析、探讨了如何科学合理地采用辅助练习,以尽量避免伤害事故的发生。  关键词: 辅助联系 伤害事故 预防    学校体育伤害事故是指在学校从事体育课、课外体育活动和比赛发生的人身伤害。这是一个现实性、社会性很强的实际问题。在体育课上一旦发生了伤害
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摘要: 信息技术革命特别是网络技术、多媒体技术和信息高速公路的空前发展,对社会的经济、文化、教育等正在产生深远的影响。随着教育现代化的步伐日益加快,传统校园正随着信息技术的应用而发生变革,一个网络化、数字化、智能化有机结合的新型教育、学习和研究的校园教学平台已经建立起来,它们给教育教学注入了生机和活力。本文就信息技术环境下教学的创新作一些初步的探讨和阐述。  关键词: 信息技术 教学资源 教学模式
在高中政治课教学中如何创设教学情境,笔者认为其基本思路应该是:遵循学生的认知规律,以学生充分参与为前提,通过教学情景的创设,达到促进学生智力的开发、能力的培养、学习质量的提高为目标。现就创设教学情境的具体操作谈几点自己的体会。    一、教学情境应着眼于现实生活、跟学生实际紧密联系    政治课的内容都与现实生活存在着密切的联系,但由于课本的局限性,使得它与学生的实际生活尚存在一定的距离,而教学情