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《全国室内装饰行业家庭装饰管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)已于1997年8月1日经中国轻工总会第13次会长办公会议通过,现予发布施行。家庭装饰是室内装饰业的重要组成部分和最广阔的市场,涉及千家万户,关系广大人民群众的切身利益。遵照国务院关于建筑装饰业与室内装饰业分工管理的规定(国办通[1992]31号),加强对家庭装饰的行业管理,这是各级轻工业主管部门的重要职责。中国轻工总会对此十分重视。1996年9月发布的《全国室内装饰行业管理暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》),对家庭装饰管理作 The Measures for the Administration of Home Decoration in the National Interior Decoration Industry (hereinafter referred to as the “Administrative Measures”) was approved by the 13th meeting of the president of China National Light Industry Association on August 1, 1997 and is hereby promulgated and implemented. Home decoration is an important part of the interior decoration industry and the most extensive market, involving tens of thousands of households, the vital interests of the broad masses of people. In accordance with the provisions of the State Council on the division of labor between the construction and decoration industry and the interior decoration industry (Guo Ban Tong [1992] No. 31), strengthening the industrial management of home decoration is an important responsibility of the competent departments of light industry at all levels. China Light Industry Association attaches great importance to this. Interim Provisions on the Administration of National Interior Decoration Industry (hereinafter referred to as the “Interim Provisions”) promulgated in September 1996 issued a directive on the management of home decoration
海尔的品牌 一位俄罗斯人在土耳其度假,宾馆舒适的条件和良好的服务让他一下子忘记了在莫斯科的烦恼。海尔这个名字引起了他的注意,在宾馆的房间、优雅的小餐厅里都可以看到
一、硫化氢与二氧化硫反应[装置] [操作]先在250ml吸滤瓶底放入一角匙无水亚硫酸钠,再向用细棉线结住的小试管里装入几块硫化亚铁,并滴入2—3毫升1:1的盐酸,然后迅速置于吸
一、递延资产的内涵和价值辨析 递延资产是按照正确计算期间损益的要求,将本期支付的某项服务性费用中其效果涉及到未来时期的有关部分递延到以后受益期内负担的资产。递延