富人首先是人,然后被修饰以“财富”概念。这是一般人愿意好奇关注的,同时又要维持自尊地表示不屑的原因之所在。 2002年,美国著名的LIMRA与McKinsey公司共同发布了在美国针对富裕族群的理财生活进行的调研报告。差不多同时,经理人杂志特约撰稿人、中国平安保险公司战略研究中心的毛丹平女士也参与了在上海的一个针对中国高价值客户的理财项目,本文将比较分析中美两国富裕客户的理财需求,以了解“百
The rich first and foremost are people and are then decorated with the notion of ”wealth.“ This is why most people are curious to pay attention, while maintaining self-esteem to disdain. In 2002, the famous American LIMRA and McKinsey co-published a research report on wealth management in the United States for affluent groups. At about the same time, Ms. Mao Danping, a contributing writer for the magazine of the manager magazine and a strategic research center of Ping An Insurance Company of China, also participated in a wealth management project in Shanghai for high-value Chinese customers. This article will analyze the wealth management needs of wealthy customers in China and the United States To understand ”hundred