Noninvasive three-dimensional computed tomographic angiography in preoperative detection of intrac

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Obejctive To assess the value of noninvasive three dimensional computed tomographic angiography (3D CTA) in preoperative detection of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) Methods A prospective evaluation at a single institute over a 2 year period included 23 patients suspected of intracranial AVMs All patients underwent 3D CTA and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) Results from both procedures were compared Results 3D CTA imaging provided excellent visualization of intracranial AVMs The false positive error and false negative error were zero in our sample The details of arterial supply (numerical measure, orientation, caliber and routing) and vascular nidus (size, morphosis and location) provided by 3D CTA images were the same as DSA and the details of venous drainage were an approximate match Additionally, 3D CTA can depict tridimensional anatomical information for AVMs and their relationship to adjacent structures, a function not possible with DSA This assisted the surgeons in making better surgical planning and reduced trauma As a non invasive course, there were no related complications in the course of 3D CTA processing Conclusions DSA is still regarded as the gold standard for intracranial AVMs detection The modality of 3D CTA is accurate, noninvasive, nearly risk free and low price; we could routinely use it instead of or as a supplement to DSA, in the preoperative detection of suspected intracranial AVMs and postoperative radiological follow up 3D CTA adds tridimensional aspect and assists the surgeon in a the more accurate therapeutic scheme Preliminary data suggest that 3D CTA is playing a favorable role in the assessment of patients with intracranial AVMs Obejctive To assess the value of noninvasive three dimensional computed tomographic angiography (3D CTA) in preoperative detection of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) Methods A prospective evaluation at a single institute over a 2 year period included 23 patients suspected of intracranial AVMs All patients underwent 3D CTA and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) Results from both procedures were compared RESULTS 3D CTA imaging provided excellent visualization of intracranial AVMs The false positive error and false negative error were zero in our sample The details of arterial supply (numerical measure, orientation, caliber and routing) and vascular nidus (size, morphosis and location) provided by 3D CTA images were the same as DSA and the details of venous drainage were an approximate match Additionally, 3D CTA can depict tridimensional anatomical information for AVMs and their relationship to adjacent structures, a function not possible with DSA This assisted the surgeons in making better surgical planning and reduced trauma As a non-invasive course, there were no related complications in the course of 3D CTA processing Conclusions DSA is still considered as the gold standard for intracranial AVMs detection The modality of 3D CTA is accurate, noninvasive, nearly risk free and low price; we could routinely use it instead of or as a supplement to DSA, in the preoperative detection of suspected intracranial AVMs and postoperative radiological follow up 3D CTA adds tridimensional aspect and assists the surgeon in a the more accurate therapeutic scheme Preliminary data suggest that 3D CTA is playing a favorable role in the assessment of patients with intracranial AVMs
中国第十七冶金建设公司党委宣传部顾先贵在撰写的《新形势下思想政治工作的创新思考》一文中提出,思想政治工作者要在改革的新形势下选定坐标,定位角色,具备五个条件。 Gu
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在我的印象中,爸爸是一个爱睡懒觉的人,每天艳阳高照时,他都还会待在被窝里不起来。  早晨,外头的阳光透过窗子映在被褥上,变幻出奇特的影子。  “爸,快起来,马上9点了!”我边换下睡衣边急切地喊道,“你说过要带我去新开的那个游乐园玩的,再不走就迟了,人会爆满的,那就玩不成了!”  “嗯嗯!”爸爸口头上应着,半睁着眼,翻了个身,又美美地睡了起来。  “你到底听到我说的话了没?”我生气了,三步两步奔过去