(一) 篮球运动的风格在体现高速度,高空优势和高超技巧激烈争夺的现代篮球比赛中,国际或国内各强队运动员在身体、技术、战术和心理素质等方面展开着全面的抗衡。为了“扬长避短,避实击虚”争取比赛的胜利,从而雄踞篮坛劲旅之林,各队必须形成既符合篮球运动规律,又切合本队实际情况的独特风格。因此,球队风格的形成与发展,日益引起世界各强队教练员的高度重
(A) the style of basketball In the modern basketball game that reflects the high speed, high altitude advantage and superb skills fierce competition, the international or domestic strong teams athletes in the body, technology, tactics and psychological quality and other aspects of a comprehensive contest. In order to “avoid weaknesses, avoid real hits” to win the competition, which dominates the basketball juggernaut forest, the team must be formed in line with the laws of basketball, but also meet the actual situation of the unique style of the team. Therefore, the formation and development of the style of the team has increasingly aroused great attention from coaches of all the world’s major teams