众所周知,泛读不仅是获取知识、训练全面的阅读策略的重要渠道,也是锻炼学生自主学习能力的最佳途径。而高中生的阅读材料均要求“题材丰富、体裁多样、语言地道、贴近生活、贴近社会、贴近生活”(高考考试说明,2011:235),报刊《21st century》正符合了这些要求,成为很多学生在课外泛读的首选辅助材料。那么什么模式的课外报刊泛读更能促进学生的自主学习能力呢?
As we all know, extensive reading is not only an important channel for acquiring knowledge and training comprehensive reading strategies, but also the best way to train students’ autonomous learning ability. The high school students’ reading materials all require “topics of rich variety, variety of genres, authentic language, close to life, close to society, close to life ” (college entrance examination examination description, 2011: 235), the 21st century newspaper is in line with these requirements, Become the preferred auxiliary material for many students in extra-curricular reading. So what model of extra-curricular newspaper reading more to promote students’ ability to learn independently?