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马太效应在教育工作中已被经常提出,用一句话来概括,即“好生好对待,差生差对待”现象。马太效应在教学活动中的消极作用是非常明显的,是所有教师要努力避免的。马太效应在艺术创作活动中也会经常出现。我们可以发现大量优秀的、感人的、令人百看不厌的艺术作品中,充满了艺术家对作品内容的主观加工和二度创作。这些加工和创作往往是夸张的,不真实的,更不符合逻辑的,艺术家根据自身情感世界中的美丑善恶对创作对象进行丑化、美化甚至神化的加工。 The Matthew Effect has always been put forward in education and summed up in one sentence, that is, the phenomenon of “being treated well and the poor being poorly treated”. The negative effect of Matthew’s effect in teaching activities is very obvious and it is all teachers should try hard to avoid. The Matthew Effect also appears frequently in artistic creation activities. We can find that a great number of excellent, moving and never-ending works of art are full of artists’ subjective processing and second creation of their contents. These processing and creation are often exaggerated, unrealistic, and even less logical. The artist demonizes, or even deifies, the objects of creation according to the beauty, the ugliness and the evil in his emotional world.
This paper aims to analyze opening section of telephone calls in the ethnomethodological perspective.It hopes that the investigation will help readers interpere
目的 比较甲磺酸瑞波西汀与氢溴酸西酞普兰治疗迟缓性抑郁症的疗效和安全性.方法 将59例迟缓性抑郁症患者随机分为Ⅰ组(n=29)和Ⅱ组(n=30).Ⅰ、Ⅱ组治疗分别使用甲磺酸瑞波西
本文从文化与语言的关系着手,分析英语新闻翻译中的东西方文化差异及其形成的原因,以期对新闻译者准确把握文化因素和读者心理,有效提高译文质量有所帮助。 This article st
In our country, many researchers have done theoretical and empirical studies of attribution theory in foreign language teaching which are meaningful and rewardi