多少年以来 ,培训承担着培养熟练技术劳动者的使命 ,并造就了几代人的成长。在二十世纪最后十年中 ,《中国培训》开始担负起中国劳动者培训咨讯的任务。新世纪 ,有新的计划、新的开始。进入新世纪 ,培训这个老话题 ,又会有新问题。作为2000年的第一期 ,本刊以“新世纪培训纵横谈”为题 ,组织特稿 ,邀请有关方面的人士就新世纪中培训的方方面面问题发表自己的见解。愿《中国培训》及这些多彩的观点 ,伴着您一起走进新世纪
For years, training has assumed the mission of fostering skilled workers and created generations of growth. In the last decade of the twentieth century, “China’s training” began to assume the task of training and consulting Chinese laborers. In the new century, there are new plans and new beginnings. In the new century, there will be new problems in training this old topic. As the first issue in 2000, the magazine organized a special feature on the topic of “training in the new century” and invited relevant people to express their opinions on all aspects of training in the new century. We wish “China Training” and these colorful points of view to accompany you into the new century