考试之后,教师或学校有关部门应对试卷命题质量进行评估。如果采用定性分析的方法,则难以说明问题。如果采用统计学方法对试卷进行定量分析,评估才会得出科学的结论。因为,数据是最有说服力的。 分析试卷命题的质量,一般要分析其信度、区分度和难度。统计学原理要求,进行统计分析的样本愈大,统计结果越科学。这里我们只假定随机抽
After the exam, teachers or school departments should evaluate the quality of papers. If you use the method of qualitative analysis, it is difficult to explain the problem. If you use statistical methods for quantitative analysis of papers, the assessment will reach a scientific conclusion. Because the data is the most convincing. Analysis of papers the quality of the proposition, the general analysis of its reliability, differentiation and difficulty. Statistical principles require that the larger the sample for statistical analysis, the more scientific the statistical result. Here we only assume random pumping