由中国机械工程学会热处理专业学会真空热处理技术委员会、工业炉学会真空炉专业委员会联合召开的《第二届国外真空热处理设备技术交流会》于4月25~27日在北京举行。来自全国的百余名真空热处理技术工作者出席了会议。交流会上西德的Deguss公司代表介绍了超高压气淬真空炉的最新发展,法国的BMI公司介绍了该公司生产的真空气淬炉和真空回火炉的新技术;日本ULVAC介绍了真空热处理炉在日本的应用情况;美国Aber Ipsen
The “Second International Seminar on Vacuum Heat Treatment Equipment Technology” convened jointly by the Vacuum Heat Treatment Technology Committee of the Heat Treatment Institute of China Mechanical Engineering Society and the Vacuum Furnace Committee of the Industrial Furnace Society was held in Beijing from April 25 to April 27. More than 100 vacuum heat treatment technicians from all over the country attended the conference. During the exchange meeting, representatives of Deguss Company in West Germany introduced the latest development of UHP gas quenching vacuum furnace. BMI Company of France introduced the new technology of vacuum gas quenching furnace and vacuum annealing furnace produced by the company. ULVAC introduced vacuum heat treatment furnace Application in Japan; USA Aber Ipsen