想象一下,你的 PSP 深陷毫无个性的外壳内,将是怎样一副惨状呢?不过现在你可以不用考虑这个问题了,因为 PSP Mini Arcade 到来了。这个纸糊成的小玩意儿令人惊诧地将你的 PSP 装扮成上世纪80年代的街机。因此当你用它玩经典游戏的时候,会忆起儿时值得留念的时光;而不玩的时候,让 PSP 安静地留在上面,PSP Mini Arcade 的鲜艳夺目也让你不至于像原来一样翻箱倒柜地寻找 PSP 扔在哪个角落了。而且 PSPMini Arcade 仅有属于少数人的限量版,再也不用担心会没有个性了。
Imagine what kind of horror your PSP might have in a shell without personality, but now you do not have to worry about it because the PSP Mini Arcade is here. This piece of paper-made gadgets surprisingly disguises your PSP as an arcade of the 1980s. So when you use it to play the classic game, you will remember the childhood memorable time; not play, let the PSP quietly stay in the above, PSP Mini Arcade’s brilliant eye-catching so that you will not be as inverted Look for the PSP to throw in which corner. And PSPMini Arcade only limited edition belonging to a few people, no longer have to worry about no personality.