1980年~1989年,新西兰牧草种子年均总产量为20 600t(变化在13 360~34 590t)。南岛Canterbury区占全国牧草种子总产面积的82%。各主要牧草种占总面积的比例分别是。多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)44%,白三叶(Trifolium repens)33%,高羊茅(Festucaarundinacea)6%,鸭茅(Dactylis glomerata)5%。新西兰向世界40余个国家出口牧草种子,其中澳大利亚、美国和欧洲共同体为主要市场。本国专有品种的个数和生产量已分别从1980年的5个和0.1%增加到1989年的62个和27.0%,并有增加的趋势,预计1995年专有品种的生产量将为种子总生产量的60~65%。在未来l0年,由于每年草地更新面积约增加250 000至500 000ha,预计含有对家畜无害的内生真菌的黑麦草种子需求量将成倍增加。本文还讨论了新西兰种子业的机遇与危机、种子质量、培训和研究等。
From 1980 to 1989, the average annual yield of New Zealand forage seeds was 20 600 t (13 360 ~ 34 590 t). Canterbury Island, South Island, accounts for 82% of the total grazing area in the country. The proportion of the main forage species in the total area is respectively 44% perennial ryegrass, 33% Trifolium repens, 6% Festucaarundinacea, and 5% Dactylis glomerata. New Zealand exports forage seeds to more than 40 countries around the world, with Australia, the United States and the European Community as their main markets. The number of indigenous varieties and their production have increased from 5 and 0.1% respectively in 1980 to 62 and 27.0% in 1989, and there is an increasing trend. It is estimated that the production of proprietary varieties in 1995 will be the seeds The total production of 60 to 65%. In the next 10 years, the demand for rye seeds, which contain endophytic fungi that are harmless to livestock, is expected to double due to an annual increase of about 250 000 to 500 000 ha of grassland renewal area. This article also discusses opportunities and crises in seed industry in New Zealand, seed quality, training and research.