我国是一个疆域广阔、民族众多的发展中大国。建国以来 ,特别是改革开放以来 ,少数民族地区、边疆地区的经济建设有了长足的发展 ,人民生活有了明显改善 ,社会面貌发生了重大变化。这是中央对边疆地区和少数民族地区的发展问题一贯重视的结果。目前 ,在少数民族和边疆地区的经
Our country is a large developing country with vast territory and numerous nationalities. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, especially since the reform and opening up, the economic construction in the minority areas and in the border areas has made considerable progress. The people’s life has been significantly improved and the social outlook has undergone major changes. This is the result of the central government’s constant emphasis on the development of border areas and ethnic minority areas. At present, the minorities and frontier regions