丙肝主是由输血传播,在这方面国内外都有所报道。 1 输血传播丙肝的主要原因有以下几种 1.1 没有认识到丙肝病毒(HCV)的存在,过去较长时间内丙肝被称为非甲非乙型肝炎,1989年9月才被国际会议正式定名为丙型肝炎,以往对供血员进行的体检化验中,只规定了乙肝病毒(HBV)的检测,因此不能筛检淘汰感染了HCV的血液。 1.2 采输血过程中所用的器具由于消毒灭菌不严格,
Hepatitis C virus is transmitted by blood transfusion, both in China and abroad. 1 The main reasons for the spread of hepatitis C in blood transfusion include the following: 1.1 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is not recognized. For a long time, hepatitis C was referred to as non-A, non-B hepatitis. It was officially nominated by International Conference in September 1989 Hepatitis C is a hepatitis C virus. In the past, blood tests were conducted only on the detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Therefore, it is not possible to screen for the blood that has been infected with HCV. 1.2 Blood collection and transfusion process used in the sterilization equipment is not strict,