为了解主动肌疲劳时拮抗肌脊髓运动神经元兴奋性变化的规律 ,本研究采用踝关节背屈运动形式 ,对胫骨前肌 (主动肌 )疲劳状态下的比目鱼肌 (拮抗肌 )诱发肌电图H波成分进行了观察。并以压迫阻断胫骨前肌Ⅰa类神经纤维传导的方法 ,对比目鱼肌H波变化机制进行了分析探讨。结果发现 :(1)胫骨前肌疲劳后 ,比目鱼肌H波明显受到抑制 ,与安静时比较呈非常显著性差异 ;(2 )胫骨前肌Ⅰa类神经纤维传导被阻断后 ,比目鱼肌H波的抑制现象没有解除。表明 ,胫骨前肌疲劳时比目鱼肌H波被抑制的原因 ,可能是由于主动肌内的代谢产物激活了Ⅲ·Ⅳ类神经纤维的感受器 ,Ⅲ·Ⅳ类神经纤维的传入冲动增加 ,使Ⅰa抑制性中间神经元被激活 ,导致拮抗肌脊髓运动神经元的兴奋性受到了抑制
In order to understand the regularity of antagonizing the excitability of myelinated motor neurons during active muscle fatigue, this study used the ankle dorsiflexion exercise model to induce EMG in the anus muscle (antagonist muscle) in the anterior tibial muscle (active muscle) H wave components were observed. The mechanism of H wave change in soleus muscle was analyzed with the method of blocking the conduction of type Ia nerve fibers in the tibialis anterior muscle. The results showed that: (1) H wave of soleus muscle was significantly inhibited after fatigue of tibialis anterior muscle, which was significantly different from that of resting tibial muscle; (2) Hypothyroidism The suppression phenomenon has not been lifted. The reason why the H wave of soleus muscle is inhibited when the tibialis anterior muscle is fatigue may be due to the activation of the receptors of type III and IV nerve fibers by the metabolites in the active muscle. The afferent impulses of type III and IV nerve fibers increase, Inhibitory interneurons are activated, leading to inhibition of the excitability of antagonistic muscle myelinated motor neurons