News:The 595~(th) Session of the Xiangshan Science Conferences focused on water disinfection by-prod

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cdzq911
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The 595~(th) session of the Xiangshan Science Conferences was recently held in Fragrant Hill Hotel,Beijing,on May 22-23,2017.The theme of this highly successful session was on“Health Risk ad Control of Disinfection By-products(DBPs)in China”.More than fifty prominent scientists from Australia,Canada,China,and the United States actively participated in the two-day meeting and engaged in lively discussions. The 595 ~ (th) session of the Xiangshan Science Conferences was recently held in Fragrant Hill Hotel, Beijing, on May 22-23, 2017. The theme of this highly successful session was on “Health Risk ad Control of Disinfection By-products (DBPs) in China ”. More than fifty prominent scientists from Australia, Canada, China, and the United States actively participated in the two-day meeting and engaged in lively discussions.
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