Mobile shopping has become a new trend in the development of e-commerce, but the traditional successful e-commerce model can not be copied directly into the mobile context. Based on the classification theory, this study constructed three factors to explain the consumer’s evaluation and behavioral willingness in the context of the “web-mobile” service extension: the evaluation of the source, the evaluation of the target Evaluation, and evaluation of the relationship between source and target. We try to answer the following two questions: Do consumer evaluations of sources (such as the quality of service of the web) affect their assessment of goals (perceived quality of mobile services and immersive experiences)? Source and target relationships (perceived web- How to influence the consumer’s evaluation of the target and how to influence the mobile shopping intention of consumers? According to the above ideas, we set up a structural equation model, in addition to drawing on the study of previous scholars to design the “perceived consistency of information ”Web service quality “, ”mobile service immersive experience “, ”perceived mobile service quality “ four variables, but also developed ”perceived system consistency " this variable is used Investigate consumer mobile shopping will. In response to the above variables, we designed a questionnaire of 20 questions, invited many mobile shopping users of Jingdong Mall to participate in the survey through multiple channels, and conducted empirical research on the data of 277 valid questionnaires collected. The research results show that consumers’ evaluation of the service quality of web channel positively influences the perceived service quality and immersion experience of mobile channel. The study also found that perceived Web-mobile channel information consistency significantly affects consumer perceived quality of service and immersive experience on mobile channels, which in turn significantly affects consumers’ mobile shopping behavior. Our research not only provides more ideas for future multi-channel research, but also suggests that businesses should maintain the quality of service while maintaining the consistency of information provided by channels while conducting multi-channel operations.