当前,普及农村学校体育教育的主要困难是缺乏体育教师。就我们东海县来说,占全县学校数90%的村小、村办联中,大部分没有专职体育教师。而村小大都规模较小,在今后相当长的一个时期内也不可能配备专职体育教师。那么,要普及农村学校的体育教育,只能通过兼职的办法来解决,因此加强兼职体育教师队伍的建设,是至关重要的。我们的做法是: 一、明确要求,确定兼职体育教师人选我们规定:7个教学班以上规模的学校,必须配备专职体育教师;6个教学班以下规模的学校,必须配备兼职体育教师。在明确这一要求的基础上,我们采用在职教师自愿报名与领导安排相结合的办法,确定
At present, the main difficulty in popularizing physical education in rural schools is the lack of physical education teachers. For our Donghai County, most of the village small and village offices that account for 90% of the total number of schools in the county do not have full-time physical education teachers. However, most small villages are small in size and can not be equipped with full-time physical education teachers for quite a long period of time in the future. So, to popularize physical education in rural schools can only be solved by part-time methods, so it is of vital importance to strengthen the construction of part-time physical education teachers. Our approach is: First, a clear requirement to determine the selection of part-time physical education candidates We provide: 7 classes above the scale of the school must be equipped with full-time physical education teachers; 6 classes below the scale of schools must be equipped with part-time physical education teachers. On the basis of clarifying this requirement, we adopted a combination of voluntary enrollment and leadership arrangement of serving teachers to determine