约瑟夫·史沫克勒(Joseph S.Schmuckler)教授是美国坦普尔大学科学教育系主任,化学博士。1979年他作为坦普尔大学教育考察团成员曾访问过我国。自1980年至今,根据坦普尔大学和天津师范大学签订的文化交流协议,他每年来华访问并进行学术交流和讲学活动。为了使广大教师了解美国中学化学教育的概况,现根据他在该校和1987年7月初在华师大化学系讲课的录音及讲授提纲,特约卫、郑两位老师节选部份内容,供老师们参考。
Professor Joseph S. Schmuckler is director of the Department of Science Education at Temple University in the United States and holds a Ph.D. in chemistry. In 1979, he visited China as a member of Temple University’s educational mission. Since 1980, he has visited China every year and conducted academic exchanges and lectures based on cultural exchange agreements signed between Temple University and Tianjin Normal University. In order to enable teachers to understand the general situation of American middle school chemistry education, based on his recordings and lectures at the school and in the Department of Chemistry of East China Normal University in early July 1987, two teachers, Te Weiwei and Cheng Zheng, selected part of the content for teachers. References.