1 病例报告患者女,14岁。因间断咯出绿灰色痰栓半年,咳嗽伴晕厥2次于1999—11—29入院。半年前无诱因出现喉部不适,咳嗽,咯出绿灰色痰栓2块,呈珊瑚状,质粘稠,未诊治。以后两次复发,首先有喉部不适,喘憋,继之剧烈咳嗽,呼吸困难,颜面青紫,晕厥,意识不清。在当地医院急诊抢救,予吸氧、吸痰,排出绿灰色痰栓后症状好转,缓解期同正常人。既往无呼吸系统疾病史,患者姨母曾有类似症状,但未系统诊治。查体:体温36.4℃,脉搏80/min,呼吸18/min,血压16.0/9.33kPa
1 case report patient female, 14 years old. Due to intermittent out of green-gray sputum for six months, cough with syncope twice in 1999-11-29 admission. Six months ago, there was no incentive to cause throat discomfort, cough, out of green-gray sputum suppository 2, coral-like, thick sticky, not diagnosed. After two recurrence, the first laryngeal discomfort, wheezing, followed by severe cough, difficulty breathing, facial bruising, syncope, unconsciousness. Emergency treatment in the local hospital for oxygen inhalation, sputum aspiration, discharge of green-gray sputum improved symptoms, remission with normal. Past no history of respiratory disease, aunt had a similar symptom, but no systematic diagnosis and treatment. Examination: body temperature 36.4 ℃, pulse 80 / min, breathing 18 / min, blood pressure 16.0 / 9.33kPa