The monosized macroporous-polymer beads based on cross-linked poly(glycidylrrrrrrrrrnmethacrylate) have been synthesized by a new improving method-combining dispersionrrrrrrrrrnpolymerization with swelling polymerization and polymeric solution porogens. The structure and gel chromatographic properties of the resins have been studied. The resins as matrix materials of various types of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) packings possess excellent separation properties
The monosized macroporous-polymer beads based on cross-linked poly (glycidyl r r r r r r r r nmethacrylate) have been synthesized by a new improving method- combining dispersion r r The structure and gel chromatographic properties of the resins have been studied. The resins as matrix materials of various types of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) packings possess excellent separation properties