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传统的学习方式成为制约学生全面发展的关键因素,在新课程改革中,就明确提出要提倡学生主动参与、乐于探究、敢于实践,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力。坚持以人为本的原则,构建小学生现代学习方式体系,指导学生进行有效学习,夯实语文基础,实现人的可持续发展。 The traditional way of learning has become the key factor restricting the all-round development of students. In the new curriculum reform, it is clearly proposed to promote students ’active participation, be willing to explore, dare to practice and develop students’ ability to collect and process information. Adhere to the principle of putting people first, construct a system of modern learning styles for primary school students, guide students to carry out effective learning, consolidate the language foundation and achieve the sustainable development of people.
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最近,北京市宣武区工会在区地税局白纸坊牛街所召开小家建设现场会,对白纸坊牛街所多年来小家建设的经验进行了总结推广,对下一步全区小家建设提出了新要求。 Recently, th
The dynamical and localizable study on Th2 cytokines in murine viscera infected with schistosomiasis japonica@曾令兰@李淑莉@蔡淑清@罗端德... The
目的:了解乙型病毒性肝炎( V H B) 患者重叠感染 H C V 的状况及其对 V H B 患者病情、病程及预后的影响。方法:用 E L I S A 法对324 例急、慢性乙肝患者进行抗 H C V Ig G 检测。结果:有86 % (28324) 的乙