在祖国的西北边陲、喀喇昆仑山的南端、中印边界的西段,镶嵌着一颗璀粲的雪山明珠——班公湖。班公湖又名班公错,海拔4200米,是世界上著名的高原湖泊之一,也是中印边界的一条界湖。勤劳、勇敢的藏族人民,一年四季在这里放牧、生活,在美丽的班公湖畔同我们结下了深情厚谊。 今天是1999年的第一天,早晨晴空万里、风和日丽,湖面上碧波荡漾,海鸥在翩翩飞翔。在太阳
In the northwestern border of the motherland, the southern end of the Karakorum Mountains, the western section of the Sino-Indian border, inlaid with a bright snow-capped pearl - Lake Ban Gong. Banpong Lake, also known as Ban Gongcuo, 4200 meters above sea level, is one of the world’s famous plateau lakes, but also a boundary lake between China and India. The diligent and brave Tibetan people graze and live here all year long, and have formed a profound friendship with us on the bank of the beautiful Bangong Lake. Today is the first day of 1999. In the morning, there are thousands of miles of blue skies, the waves are rippling on the lake and the seagulls are flying freely. In the sun