下颌骨与周围软组织间具有良好的自然对比 ,计算机断层扫描 ,CT检查颌骨肿瘤占有重要的地位。尤其对下颌骨深部病变能提供可靠而多面的肿瘤资料。螺旋 CT将高分频率的 CT二维断层扫描资料输入到三维影像处理机中经计算机处理而重新形成立体的三维解剖结构[1] ,并可精确测量 ,对
There is a good natural contrast between the mandible and the surrounding soft tissue. Computed tomography and computed tomography have an important role in the diagnosis of jaw tumors. Especially for deep mandibular lesions can provide reliable and multifaceted tumor data. Spiral CT high-frequency CT two-dimensional tomography data input to the three-dimensional image processor to be processed by the computer to re-form three-dimensional three-dimensional anatomical structure [1], and can be accurately measured, the right