随着人们生活水平的提高,对各式各样的发型也较为讲究。所以理发业中的烫发也格外兴隆,特别是使用烫发药水的“冷烫”更受人欢迎。然而烫发药水对使用人员的健康危害及预防措施却报道甚少。为此,我们于1984年6~7月对城区理发业进行了调查,其情况如下: 我县城区理发作业126人,女性占90%,烫发作
With the improvement of people’s living standards, we have also paid more attention to various hairstyles. Therefore, the perms in the hairdressing industry are also particularly prosperous, and the “cold-ironing” using the perming solution is particularly popular. However, there are few reports on the health hazards and preventive measures of the use of perm medicine. To this end, we conducted a survey of the city’s hairdressing industry from June to July 1984. The situation was as follows: 126 haircuts were performed in the urban area of the county, 90% of the women were female, and the hot attack occurred.