中语难教,难学,特别是在高中师生中,厌教、厌学已十分普遍。语文科在学生中没有什么吸引力,根本不能和数、理、化、外语竞争,甚至连政、史、地、生,也比语文更能吸引学生。最近出版的语文课本以及近年来种种关于教法、学法改革,探索的努力,都治标而不能治本,不可能扭转这严峻的形势。彻底改革现行中学生语文教材体系,已到了刻不容缓的地步。那么,问题出在哪里呢? 中学生学习系统知识有几个基本规律: 一、由浅入深,由低到高,循序渐进,环环相
Chinese is difficult to teach and difficult to learn. Especially in high school teachers and students, it is common to be tired of teaching and learning. The language department does not have any attraction among the students. It cannot compete with mathematics, science, chemistry, or foreign languages at all. Even the government, history, places, and students are more attractive to students than Chinese. The recent publication of Chinese textbooks and the various efforts in reform and exploration of teaching methods and learning methods in recent years have all dealt with the symptoms and cannot solve the problem. It is impossible to reverse this severe situation. The thorough reform of the current middle school students’ Chinese language teaching system has reached a moment of urgency. Then, where is the problem? There are several basic rules for the learning of middle school students: First, from shallow to deep, from low to high, step by step, ring and ring