山西商人大多白手起家,凭着吃苦耐劳的创业精神杀出了一条血路,足迹踏遍天涯。 山多地少、土瘠民贫、天寒风烈的生存环境,逼着山西人背井离乡,踏上从商之路,同时也铸就了山西人勤俭吃苦、坚韧不拔的品质。历史上,山西商人称为晋帮。晋帮商人对万里行贾习以为常,他们远往他乡,不以身家为念。山西商人大多白手起家,他们靠的是勤俭吃苦的创业精神,一步一步走向成功。
Most of Shanxi businessmen started from scratch, with hard-working entrepreneurial spirit to kill a trail of blood, footprints all over the world. Mountain less land, barren people poverty, wind and cold of the living environment, forcing Shanxi people from their homes, embarked on the road from the business, but also cast a Shanxi hard-working hardship, perseverance quality. Historically, Shanxi businessmen called Jin Bang. Jin to help businessmen practice their routine for miles, they go to their hometowns, do not think about their own lives. Most of Shanxi businessmen started from scratch, they rely on thrift entrepreneurial spirit, step by step to success.