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1999年,金庸先生慷慨授意,以1元钱的地价将《笑傲江湖》的改编权转让给中央电视台。自此,中国媒体炸开了锅,前期造势,中期炒作,早早吊足了观众的味口。近日推出,狂评肆侃更是遍地开花。且不说拍摄效果如何,确是“热点”百分百,收视率创下新高。版权费已卖了两亿,央视自是乐开了怀。金庸老先生虽已金盆洗手,不涉江湖了,但旧作热买,好不惬意,可谓“双赢”!央视早就觉得1元钱买个金饽饽,喜不胜收,不在话下。再看看金大侠,他毕竟挥斥 In 1999, Mr. Jin Yong generously gave his consent to transfer the right of adaptation of “Swordsman” to CCTV at a premium of 1 yuan. Since then, the Chinese media has exploded the pot, pre-campaign, mid-term speculation, early enough to tempt the audience’s taste. Recently launched, mad criticism Ik Kan is blossom everywhere. Not to mention how the shooting effect is indeed “hot” one hundred percent, the ratings hit a new high. The copyright fee has sold 200 million, CCTV is always happy. Jinyong old gentleman has Jinpen wash their hands, is not related to the arena, but the old hot buy, really satisfied, described as “win-win!” CCTV long ago thought that 1 yuan to buy a gold 饽 喜, overjoyed, let alone. Take a look at gold heroes, after all, he reprimanded
【中图分类号】G71【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)10-0232-01  当前社会竞争日益激烈,大中专院校包括职业教育院校为谋求自身发展,促进教育质量,通过与企业合作的方式,有针对性的为企业培养人才。校企合作更注重在校学习与企业实践的结合,注重学校与企业资源的共享。也更贴近社会与市场需求,这种合作方式,为职业教育行业发展注入了活力。  职业院校与企业的合作,随着社会经