【摘 要】
Processing conditions of effectively separating indium from the leaching solution of a smelting antimony slag were studied. For the leaching solution containing
Processing conditions of effectively separating indium from the leaching solution of a smelting antimony slag were studied. For the leaching solution containing indium and antimony and iron ions, indium was separated by extracting with HDEHP kerosine solution, washing antimony and iron ions with oxalic acid solution and stripping indium with a dilute solution of hydrochloric acid. InCl 3 solution with purity above 90% is obtained. Indium can be enriched through a circulation of stripping with a dilute HCl solution. The concentration of InCl 3 solution is about 25~30 g/L.
For the leaching solution containing indium and antimony and iron ions, indium was separated by extracting with HDEHP kerosine solution, washing antimony and iron ions with oxalic acid solution and The concentration of InCl 3 solution is about 25-30 g / L. The concentration of InCl 3 solution is about 25-30 g / L .
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