[夺魁实况] 河南省平顶山地区曾举行了一次高考模拟作文考试,14000多份考卷中,有几份满分作文卷,令阅卷老师拍案叫绝。[文题] 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。战乱、灾害,制造了大量的哀哀无助的难民;贪婪、仇恨、争权夺势制造了许多人间悲剧; 人类的凶残更使许多动植物陷人濒临灭绝的困境;自私自利让人们彼此之间充满了矛盾。在这个世界上,我们心灵最需要什么来滋润呢?请以“善”为话题,写一篇文章。
[Acquisition] The Pingdingshan area of Henan Province once held a college entrance examination simulation composition examination. Among the 14,000 examination papers, several scored out of the volume, which made the marking teacher exclaimed. [Text] Read the following text and write as required. Wars and disasters have created a large number of helpless refugees; greed, hatred, and power struggle have created many human tragedies; human cruelty has caused many animals and plants to fall into extinction; selfishness has given people to each other. There is a lot of conflict between them. In this world, what do we most need to moisturize our hearts? Please use the word “good” as an issue and write an article.