在今年群才萃聚的全国比赛中,一共对垒了七百二十四局,把这些闪烁着智慧火花的果实与过去的对局相对比,“质量”有了大幅度的提高,尤其使人高兴的看到,在以下三个方面有所突破: (1)有几位青年棋手,在人们已经公认的布局里,不甘寂漠,运用他们的才华又闯出了新路,设计出复杂多变的攻守方案; (2)对受人尊崇的“权威”过去所走不通的、攀登不到顶峰的,而又多年很少有人问津的布局,这次已经有人“重修栈道”,
In this year’s national match-ups gathered by the Masters and Talents, a total of 724 matches were held against each other. Compared with the match of the past, the quality of sparkling wisdom sparked a dramatic increase in quality. In particular, I am glad to see that there are some breakthroughs in the following three areas: (1) There are a few young chess players who, in their already accepted layouts, are reluctant to go through their new ways of using their talents to design complex Changing offensive and defensive programs; and (2) there have been “repairs to the plank road” of the layout of the venerable “authority” that had previously gone unrelentingly and failed to reach its peak but had rarely been crowded for years.