
来源 :保险研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spiker315
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本文利用全国31个省的粮食作物面板数据,构建静态和动态面板计量模型,对2007年中央财政农业保险保费补贴政策实施前后两阶段进行比较分析,研究农业保险保费补贴对农户参保行为和农户生产行为的影响,以及对种植结构的传导机制。实证结果表明,在农险财政补贴下,农业保险需求与农业种植结构之间存在着相互制约关系,传导机制为农险财政补贴激励农户参保行为,并引发种植结构调整影响农业保险需求;农户参保后农业收入水平预期发生改变,对农户生产行为产生影响,又反过来引发种植结构调整。在农险财政补贴下,农业保险对粮食作物收入起到稳定作用,一定程度上固化了农户生产行为和种植结构,并引发种植结构从低保险项目向高保险项目转移。 Based on the panel data of grain crops in 31 provinces of China, this paper constructs static and dynamic panel measurement models and compares the two stages before and after the implementation of the central government’s agricultural insurance premium subsidy policy in 2007 to study the effect of agricultural insurance premium subsidy on the farmers’ The impact of production behavior, and the transmission mechanism to the planting structure. The empirical results show that there is a mutual restraint relationship between agricultural insurance demand and agricultural planting structure under the financial subsidies of agriculture and insurance. The transmission mechanism encourages farmer households’ insured behavior for the financial subsidies of agriculture and insurance, and causes the adjustment of planting structure to affect the agricultural insurance demand. After the insured agricultural income level is expected to change, affecting farmers’ production behavior, which in turn led to the planting structure adjustment. Under the financial subsidies of agriculture and insurance, agricultural insurance played a stabilizing role in the income of grain crops, to a certain extent, solidified the peasant households’ production behavior and planting structure and triggered the transfer of planting structure from low-insurance items to high-insurance items.
当今世界劳动安全卫生问题存在四个趋向: 1.工业发达国家工伤死亡人数呈明显减少趋势,而发展中国家则持上升趋势。 2.工业发达国家工伤事故正在发生两个转移:由第二产业向第
人们常将教师比喻成能照亮他人的蜡烛,用照亮他人却将自己化为灰烬的蜡烛精神赞美教师。这种比喻有一定的道理,这是基于蜡烛燃烧这一物理现象的外在描述。往深里想,这种比喻也很悲凉,教师勤勤恳恳、教书育人,传承了知识、传播了真理,最后自己却变成了灰烬,落得个一无所有。  用“灰烬说”比喻教师工作,很容易让教师从负面或片面地看待自己的职业。若从负面去看待教师职业,教师的奉献与牺牲就会变得十分空洞与苍白,遇到一
例1 男,63岁。5天前无明显诱因突然出现右耳持续高调耳鸣,伴有眩晕、恶心,呕吐2次,4天前右耳听力丧失。无头痛、饮水发呛及四肢活动障碍,自服“脉通、复方丹参”,症状无好转
先证者(V3) 男,10岁.第2胎足月顺产,出生体重3.5 kg,身长未测.出生时双足内翻,余未见其他异常.5岁时吐字不清,10岁时开始手足多动并不能自控.查体:体重32 kg,身高137.5 cm,头围48 cm,眉间距3.7 cm,头形略尖,双耳位置略低.面部表情呆板,双眼裂细小,双手手指细长,双足内翻.患儿父母为近亲婚配.父母均有长期应用多种药物史,其母受孕前及妊娠早期也有用药史,具体用药情
山西省昔阳县大寨大队十几年来,粮食产量直线上升,1963年受特大洪水災害,平均亩产仍在700斤以上,1964年粮食亩产量跨过了长江。这和增施有机肥料有着密切的关系(表1)。 Ove
本篇系苏联专家巴宁同志在自治区水利厅召开的座谈会上对土壤改良方面问题的答问记录,题目是编者加的。 This article is a series of questions and answers on the issue