例1 60岁,因绝经7年阴道不规则流血1月,于1987年9月5日入院。月经19(3~4)/(28~30)53,孕6产6,末次产于25年前。查:外阴和阴道(-),宫口松,子宫3~+月孕大,质硬,活动,形状规则,表面光滑,无压痛,附件正常。B 超报告:子宫肌瘤。行子宫全切加附件切除术,病理报告:子宫苗勒氏管腺肉瘤。例2 51岁,因绝经4年发现盆腔包块4天于1988年3月14日入院。月经正常16(3~5)/(28~30)47,孕5产5,末次产于16年
Example 1 A 60-year-old man was admitted to hospital on September 5, 1987 because of irregular vaginal bleeding in January of seven years. Menstruation 19 (3 ~ 4) / (28 ~ 30) 53, pregnant 6 production 6, the last produced 25 years ago. Check: vulva and vagina (-), cervix loose, uterus 3 to + month pregnant, hard, activity, shape, smooth surface, no tenderness, normal attachment. B Super report: Uterine fibroids. The hysterectomy and attachment resection were performed. Pathology report: Mullerian duct adenosarcoma. Example 2 At the age of 51, pelvic masses were admitted to hospital on March 14, 1988 for 4 days after menopause. Normal menstruation 16 (3 ~ 5) / (28 ~ 30) 47, 5 birth 5, last produced in 16 years