忌与白糖同煮 有些人习惯在煮牛奶时就把白糖加入,以为这样能使糖尽快溶化,殊不知加热时放糖是一种不科学的做法。因为,牛奶中含有赖氨酸,白糖内含有果糖,这两种物质在高温下便会形成结合物——果糖基赖氨酸。这种物质不但不能被人体消化吸收,还破坏蛋白质的营养价值,更糟糕的是对人体还有一定的毒性,所以,牛奶加热时千万莫加糖。若想喝加糖的牛奶,可以等牛奶放凉后再加。
Bogey and sugar cook some people used to put sugar in the milk when you put it in, that this can dissolve sugar as soon as possible, do not know heating sugar is an unscientific practice. Because milk contains lysine and sugar contains fructose, these two substances form the conjugate, fructosyl lysine, at high temperatures. This substance not only can not be digested by the body, but also undermine the nutritional value of the protein, even worse, there is a certain degree of toxicity to the human body, so when the milk heated up to add sugar. If you want to drink sugary milk, you can wait for the milk to cool and then add.