一、实验 用天然风干状态的厚层灰岩(容重2.69克/厘米~3)、石英砂岩(容重2.63克/厘米~3)分别制成: 1.长缩轴比接近1.5的似椭球体和似长方体各一组。每组又分别取350、320、290、260、230、200、170、140、110、80、50、20克等不同重量的试件。同一重量级的试样各取15件。实际重量与设计重量不超过10%。沿试件长轴方向加荷。 2.尺寸为5×5×5、4×4×4、3×3×3、2×2×2厘米~3的规則立方体试件一组;作面负荷轴向压缩
First, experiments with natural dry state thick layer of limestone (bulk density 2.69 g / cm ~ 3), quartz sandstone (bulk density 2.63 g / cm ~ 3) were made: 1 long axis of contraction close to 1.5 ellipsoid and Like a group of cuboids. Each group were taken 350,320,290,260,230,200,170,140,110,80,50,20 grams and other specimens of different weights. The same heavyweight samples each take 15 pieces. The actual weight and design weight does not exceed 10%. Load along the long axis of the specimen. 2. A set of regular cube specimens of size 5 × 5 × 5, 4 × 4 × 4, 3 × 3 × 3, 2 × 2 × 2 cm ~ 3; face load axial compression